Farm Narrative: Explain the operations and practices on the farm, any unique circumstances, or to explain components of the plan. You can come back and add to or change whatever is typed in this box at any time. The Narrative box is not tied to any specific year.
Contact name: You can directly enter the contact information by typing it in, or if you have other contacts to enter you can use the Contact Information tool above the contact name. This allows you to navigate through your contacts, consultants and preparers information using the navigation buttons. You may also use the edit button to go to the View Preparers dialog box found under the View menu.
Plan Completion/Update Date: Select the date when the plan is completed or updated. A calendar will appear if you click on the date. Today's date will fill-in if you click . This date will be on the reports.
Manure Nutrient Credits: Check the appropriate manure nutrient crediting used for the farm. 2nd year credits are required for WPDES permits. To learn more about nutrient credits, see chapter 9 of UWEX A2809 Nutrient application guidelines for fruit, vegetable, and fruit crops in Wisconsin.
WPDES Permitted Farm: Check this box if the farm is using a Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.
Select SWQMA Manure Application Strategies: This will appear if WPDES permitted farm is checked. You can accept the default strategies or change them to ones appropriate for the farm. You will not be allowed to proceed to other screens until you have accepted strategies.
Add Default Crops: Click on this box to add common alfalfa, corn and soybean crops to the selected crops list.
How to use the blue splitter bars: The blue splitter bars can be seen on the right of the screen between the Farm Narrative and Concentrated Flow Channel Protection text entry boxes and just above the dual list box for selecting counties. Hover over the bar with your mouse and the cursor will change to represent resizing vertically stacked panels. Click and drag to move the bar and change the proportions between the text areas and County Selection boxes.