If you have questions or problems using SnapPlus, we will be happy to answer them. However, most of the questions fall into a couple of categories. These include questions about database management, soil test importing, SnapMaps, and exchanging data with other people.
Please check the website at snapplus.wisc.edu for answers to these and other questions before calling or emailing. It might save both you and the SnapPlus staff some time. Check out the How To videos located under the Support menu items for detailed tutorials on SnapPlus features.
Email support: for fastest response, email us at support@snapplus.wisc.edu
Software user support:
Sue Porter, (608) 224-4605, Sue.Porter@wi.gov
Stephanie Schneider, (715) 832-6547 extension 113, Stephanie.Schneider@wi.gov
Mark Jenks, (608) 224-4507, Mark.Jenks@wi.gov
PI (Phosphorus index) and technical support:
Your first support contact should always go to support@snapplus.wisc.edu
Laura Good, 608-262-9894, lwgood@wisc.edu
Joe Wolter, jwolter@wisc.edu