SnapPlus Help Version 16

The Animal Units Calculator

The Animal Units Calculator

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The Animal Units Calculator

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This table calculates animal units for an operation for the plan year according to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources guidelines. Farms are required to complete these calculations to determine if they must apply for a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit under NR 243, Wis. Admin. Code. A WPDES permit is required for all livestock/poultry operations that will contain 1,000 or more animal units.  Guidelines for filling out this table and for determining if an operation is required to apply for a permit are found in the instructions for the NR243 Animal Units Worksheet link located at the top of the table.

Copy From Livestock Estimator button: To reduce data entry time for this worksheet, you can select Copy From Livestock Estimator to copy the animal numbers that are entered on the Manure Production Estimator for the Plan Year.  Copying from the Manure Production Estimator will overwrite any information you have already entered in this table. When the copy is completed, a verify the number of animals. There are some differences in the categories of animals used in the first table of the Manure Production Estimator (see the 590 Technical Note pdf, click on the blue link on Manure Production screen) and those used in DNR’s Animal Units Worksheet (see the NR 243 Animal Units Worksheet pdf, click on the link above the table on the screen).
