SnapPlus Help Version 16

Using the Cropping Screen

Using the Cropping Screen

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Using the Cropping Screen

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You can view how-to videos for the Cropping screen at

To start using the Cropping screen, you must first select the field you will be planning for. To select a field, use the dropdown menu in the green strip above the tables. To navigate between fields, you can either select one using the dropdown menu or use the navigation buttons. You can also narrow down the number of fields by using either the Subfarm or Group dropdown menus. The field and soil test information cells in this section will fill in automatically when you select a field to view.


The three buttons below the soil test information are the Rotation Wizard, Calculate all years and Add/Delete Years buttons. The best way to manage information for multiple fields and years is to use the Rotation Wizard. You can also access the rotation wizard under the Tools menu in the main navigation bar.

Clicking on the Calculate all years button will run soil loss and P Index calculations based on the information you have entered.

Add/Delete Years will allow you to add or remove cropping years for the selected field.  You can insert or delete crop years in the middle of a rotation by using the +/- buttons on either side of the Add/Delete Years button. It is always a good idea to take a snapshot of your database before you use this function. See Insert/Delete Crop Years for more information.


On the far left and far right of the screen are two buttons CS1_showHideButtonCS1_showHideButton2. Clicking on the far left button will abbreviate the row descriptions. Clicking on the far right will toggle between showing the rotation information and hiding it. The main part of the screen is a multi-year nutrient management planning table. Each column represents a cropping year. You can view as many cropping years as your screen allows. Use the slider bar at the bottom of the table to scroll through the cropping years. Note that completing the four required fields for each year before adding the next will save some data entry time, as information from one year will be copied to the next. On the far right of the screen is the Rotation Information display area. In this area are the Dominant Critical Soil for the field, Rotation Settings and Summary results. For more information, see Rotation Settings and the Rotation Summary.