oDraw a Feature: This sub-menu has the tools for creating features.
oEdit Features: This sub-menu has tools for editing features.
oDelete Features: This sub-menu has tools for deleting features.
oField Snapping: This feature turns on/off the snap to field option when drawing and editing fields.
oImport a Field Shapefile: Use this tool to import fields from a shapefile. Note: The shapefile must be in a zip archive. For more information, see Importing Fields
oImport a Point Shapefile: Use this tool to import points from a shapefile. Note: The shapefile must be in a zip archive.
oImport an Exclusion Shapefile: Use this tool to import exclusion areas from a shapefile. Note: The shapefile must be in a zip archive.
oImport a Tile Line Shapefile: Use this tool to import tile lines from a shapefile. Note: The shapefile must be in a zip archive.
oExport to Shapefile:
▪ Export Fields to a Shapefile: Exports all fields within the farm to a shapefile.
▪ Export Points to a Shapefile: Exports all fields within the farm to a shapefile.
▪ Export Exclusion Areas to a Shapefile: Exports all fields within the farm to a shapefile.
▪ Export Spreadable Field Areas to a Shapefile (CAFO Farms Only): Exports spreadable field areas to a shapefile.