SnapPlus Help Version 16

Using the Nutrient Sources Screen

Using the Nutrient Sources Screen

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Using the Nutrient Sources Screen

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The Nutrient Sources screen is where you will enter manure and fertilizer data for each plan year. In the general navigation area below the main tabs, you can navigate between years using the left/right arrows, copy sources/fertilizers/herds between years, and edit the Shared Fertilizer list.  You can view how-to videos for the Nutrient Sources Screen at


click to expand How to use the Copy Sources/Fertilizers/Herds button

hmtoggle_plus1 How to use the Edit Shared Fertilizer button

This screen has five tabs:

Nutrient Sources: Enter all of the fertilizers and organic materials such as manures that will be applied on a farm during a plan year.

Manure Analysis: Manage your manure analysis data. Running averages by season are kept for each manure source.

Manure Production Estimator: Three optional calculators for estimating the volume of manure collected to spread on crop land for the plan year.

Animal Units Calculator: Contains a table that calculates animal units for an operation for the plan year according to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources guidelines.

The Grazing Herd Setup: Simplifies the process of setting up grazing application rates when multiple animal types within an animal group are being grazed.